Programming Leftovers
How to Install Development Tools on GNU/Linux (Ultimate Guide)
Development tools are a set of software applications and utilities specifically designed to aid software developers in creating, debugging, testing, and maintaining software applications.
Hackaday ☛ Programming 1949 Style!
What was it like to program an early digital computer? [Woven Memories] wanted to know and wants you to know, too. [Maurice Wilkes] and his team wrote a book about their EDSAC and the 18 instructions that it used. These days, you can even run an EDSAC program on a number of emulators.
Remi Collet ☛ Remi Collet: PHP version 8.1.26RC1 and 8.2.13RC1
Release Candidate versions are available in the testing repository for Fedora and Enterprise Linux (RHEL / CentOS / Alma / Rocky and other clones) to allow more people to test them. They are available as Software Collections, for a parallel installation, the perfect solution for such tests, and also as base packages.
Qt ☛ Qt for MCUs 2.6 released
Qt for MCUs 2.6 has been released! Following up on the previous 2.5 LTS release, 2.6 builds on key performance improvements and adds some valuable features keeping focus on the key needs and requirements of Automotive and Consumer Electronics devices.
KDAB ☛ Supercharging VS Code with C++ Extensions [Ed: KDAB, like Qt, is pushing proprietary spyware, even for Microsoft]
Drew DeVault ☛ Can I be on your podcast?
I am working on rousing the Hare community to get the word out about our work. I have drafted the Hare evangelism guidelines to this effect, which summarizes how we want to see our community bringing Hare to more people.
We’d like to spread the word in a way which is respectful of the attention of others – we’re explicitly eschewing unsolicited prompts for projects to consider writing/rewriting in Hare, as well as any paid sponsorships or advertising. Blog posts about Hare, videos, participating in (organic) online discussions – much better! And one idea we have is to talk about Hare on podcasts which might be interested in the project.
Rlang ☛ The current introduction to my package development workshops
I somewhat regularly teach about package development. One recent example was a workshop for rOpenSci champions.
Rlang ☛ Simulating Phylogenetically Structured Networks*
Rlang ☛ Data Analysis in R for Becoming a Bioscientist
Just sharing some teaching materials which might be useful. In the Department of Biology at the University of York in the UK, we teach Data Analysis in R from stage 1 to over 400 students.
Security Week ☛ ‘BlazeStealer’ Malware Delivered to Python Developers Looking for Obfuscation Tools [Ed: So they should not install it]
Checkmarx uncovers a malicious campaign targeting Python developers with malware that takes over their systems.
Rust Blog ☛ The Rust Programming Language Blog: Faster compilation with the parallel front-end in nightly
The Rust compiler's front-end can now use parallel execution to significantly reduce compile times. To try it, run the nightly compiler with the
-Z threads=8
option. This feature is currently experimental, and we aim to ship it in the stable compiler in 2024.