today's howtos
University of Toronto ☛ The issue of what headers to include in your DKIM signatures
Increasingly, you have to sign your outgoing email messages with DKIM. When you use DKIM to sign things, in one sense you're signing an abstract 'email message', and in another, more concrete sense, you're signing the email body plus some of the email message headers. You might innocently think that the message headers to sign are standardized and obvious, but I've recently learned that neither is the case due to a recent discussion on the Exim mailing list. Different mail systems may sign different sets of headers in ways that are more or less aggressive, and some of these ways have downstream effects.
TecMint ☛ How to Install Terraform (Infrastructure as Code) in Linux
In this article, we will discuss what Terraform is and how to install Terraform on various Linux distributions using HashiCorp repositories.
Terraform is a popular cloud orchestration tool in the world of automation, which is used to deploy your infrastructure through the IAC (Infrastructure as code) approach.
Geshan ☛ How to use the string_agg function in Postgres with examples
Are you a software engineer who works with PostgreSQL? Do you often find yourself needing to manipulate and aggregate strings in your database? If so, you're in luck because PostgreSQL provides a powerful function called string_agg. In this blog post, you dive into what string_agg is, how it's related to MySQL's group_concat, and walk through a couple of examples using real data. By the end, you'll have a solid understanding of how to make the most string_agg in your PostgreSQL queries. Let’s get going!