A New WordPress Showcase and More
WordPress ☛ A New WordPress Showcase
The journey to update WordPress.org continues with the launch of a new Showcase design. The Showcase is a natural starting point for visitors arriving on WordPress.org, and it both inspires creativity and demonstrates what’s possible with WordPress.
Ruben Schade ☛ Missing server-side blogging again
I’ve mentioned here that I maintain a bunch of Textpattern and WordPress blogs for various people and non-profits. It sort of happened by accident, but I keep picking them up.
Ruben Schade ☛ Post titles, and I just had a great cup of tea
I’m starting to see the appeal of having posts without titles. If this post were just about having tea, the title on this post would be redundant. But I’ve spent 18 years writing posts with titles, and have made so many assumptions based on that. Permalinks include them, pages on my Git repo for this blog are named with the title, and archive pages have lists of titles.