today's leftovers
Mozilla ☛ Mozilla Privacy Blog: Mozilla Meetups – Code to Conduct in AI: Open Source, Privacy, and More [Ed: Mozilla is spying and putting proprietary software in Firefox, so this is shallow PR]
The AI wave has generated excitement but also debate, as policymakers across the globe grapple with tough policy questions. We’re collectively wondering: How do we approach regulation in the US? How do we get the right safeguards in place when it comes to privacy and other harms? How do we treat open source? How do we create policies that enable a diverse AI landscape that works for everyone?
Google ☛ Update to Developers: Chromium Issue Tracker migration
Ubuntu News ☛ Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 809
Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 809 for the week of October 8 – 14, 2023. The full version of this issue is available here.
Scarlett Gately Moore: KDE: Debian: Hopefully a short goodbye for now.
I have been working around the clock and over the weekend trying to get the transition for snapcraft files in their respective repos. What does this mean for users? Faster releases for Snaps and closer collaboration between snapcrafters and application developers so bugs get resolved much quicker.
Unfortunately, I have 2 days to finish before my internet gets cut off. I did not make enough to pay the bill. Seeing as this is the first time in a year, I am absolutely, positively grateful for all of you and your support over the past year.