today's howtos
Dan Langille ☛ pg_dump: error: query failed: ERROR: permission denied for sequence cache_clearing_files_id_seq
This is the backup script for my database dumps on my server at home.
I immediately recognized it as the follow-on from a table I had just added. It was late, I was headed to bed. I forgot about it.
Until this morning.
TecMint ☛ How to Install Git and Set Up Git Account on Linux
Git is a free and open source, fast and distributed version control system (VCS), which by design is based on speed, efficient performance, and data integrity to support small-scale to extensive software development projects.
Git is a software repository that allows you to keep track of your software changes, revert to previous versions, and create another version of files and directories.
TecMint ☛ How to Install and Configure GitLab on Linux
Gitlab is an open-source, powerful, robust, scalable, secure, as well as efficient software development and collaboration platform for all stages of the DevOps lifecycle.
It allows you to plan your development process; code, and verify; package software, and release it with an in-built continuous delivery feature; automate configurations management, and monitor software performance.
TecMint ☛ How to Integrate Redmine with ONLYOFFICE Docs on Linux
For Linux users, the choice of ideal software for project management might be a serious challenge due to the variety of available tools suited to every fancy. One of the most universal options that you can use to keep track of your tasks and projects is Redmine, an open-source project management platform and issue-tracking tool.
In this article, you will learn what features make Redmine stand out and how to turn the platform into a comprehensive collaborative solution by integrating it with ONLYOFFICE Docs, an online office suite for real-time document co-authoring.