NewsFlash 3.0 Released with Slick New Look
I’ve written about this app in detail in the past so I won’t cover its core feature set in this post, except to say: it’s a desktop RSS reader that can sync with various cloud services (including Miniflux, FreshRSS, NewsBlur, and CommaFeed, new in this release) or run locally.
Like a great many GTK apps of late, the latest edition of NewsFlash takes full advantage of the adaptive awesome-sauce added in libadwaita 1.4 – the version at the heart of the recent GNOME 45 release.
As well as making the app looking nicer with full-height sidebars and borderless toolbars (these allow the 3 column layout to apply subtly different background colours to each – something common in RSS reader apps for other platforms) it ensures the app works great on smaller screens and mobile.
There are new features and other improvements too – including speed boosts.
Jan Lukas Gernert: NewsFlash 3.0
The next version of NewsFlash is ready. And it comes packed with so much new features and speed improvements + a new look, that the jump to version 3 is more than justified.