OpenEmbedded and EasyOS Development
First experiment creating a Void rootfs
This is fascinating! Previously, I haven't paid much attention to forum member's wiak and rockedge work with KLV/FirstRib projects. That's because I my attention was all on my own project. Then, very recently, I started to get interested in Void Linux -- really like it.
So, wondered about building EasyOS with Void Linux packages, and found that forum member peebee had already done a lot of work with VoidPup, with help from jamesbond, wiak and rockedge. Some scripts from VoidPup were very helpful and I soon had an EasyOS desktop running built from Void .xbps packages, and codenamed it "easyVoid". Created a forum thread to discuss this: [...]
openssl binary compiled linked statically
I have a need for 'openssl' binary executable standalone without needing any shared libraries. Why, will be explained later.
In OpenEmbedded/Yocto, took the normal openssl build recipe and hacked on it to build the statically-linked 'openssl' binary, compiled with musl. Wasn't easy, took 4-5 hours, but got there. Here is the recipe, file '': [...]