Free, Libre, and Open Source Software Leftovers
Apache's HTTP Basic Authentication could do with more logging
There is one useful (or even critical) piece of information that Apache does log in the standard log format, and that is whether or not the HTTP 401 was because of a lack of authorization. Both normally get HTTP 401 responses (although you can change that with AuthzSendForbiddenOnFailure and perhaps should), but they appear differently in the normal access log. If there was a successful authentication but the user was not authorized, you will see their name in the log file: [...]
SBSA Reference Platform update
SBSA Reference Platform (“sbsa-ref” in short) is now at version 0.3 one. Note that this is internal number. Machine name is still the same.
This blog is now on the Fediverse!
This blog runs on WordPress. Thanks to the tireless work of Matthias Pfefferle, there's now an official WordPress ActivityPub plugin.
Best Free and Open Source Alternatives to Google Docs Editors
Google Docs Editors is a freeware web-based productivity office suite within Google Drive service. What are the best open source alternatives?
Unity’s New Pricing Plan Unites Everyone Against Unity
Hoo-boy, if you pay even mild attention to the video game industry, you’re already going to be aware of the complete shitshow famed game-engine Unity has on its hands right now. By way of throat-clearing, you need to know how Unity got to where it is to understand what’s happening now.
20 Open-source FTP File Sync and FTP Back Tools
FTP file Sync and FTP Back Tools are software tools that enable users to synchronize and back up files using the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) protocol.