today's howtos
How to change the size of Terminal window on Linux
The size of terminal window is defined by the system, so this may change from system to system. For example, in Debian the default size of the terminal is quite big, and it takes almost the whole screen, especially if your machine's screen is small.
How to install different versions of Java on Ubuntu
Navigating the installation of different Java versions on Ubuntu can sometimes feel like traversing a labyrinth. Whether you are a seasoned developer needing multiple versions for various projects, or a beginner aiming to get a grip on different Java environments, understanding how to effectively manage different versions is crucial. Ubuntu, with its robust and versatile framework, allows users to switch between different Java versions seamlessly, adapting to the specific needs of their projects.
Fixed vs. Rolling vs. Semi-Rolling Release Models in Linux Distros
In the realm of Linux, software updates are typically delivered to users through three distinct models: fixed release, rolling release, and semi-rolling release.
tap is a terminal-based music player with fuzzy-finder
tap is terminal-based music player for the terminal that lets you jump to any album with fuzzy-finder shortcuts.
Two tricks that make using the Linux command line a lot easier
Using the Linux command line doesn't have to be the chore you think it is.
How to Create Your Own VPN
Create your own VPN server on the cloud is a way to enjoy the benefits of using a VPN without the drawbacks of using a VPN service.