Gemini Articles of Interest
A Gemini client* is needed for the following links.
Technology and Free Software
My OpenBSD Philosophy
This is a personal take on what keeps me with OpenBSD as my main operating system and daily driver. Note that I'm on no way speaking for the project itself here, only as the "private internet citizen" that I am most of the time anyway. Use it at your own risk. And while security is of course a significant argument behind OpenBSD, I am no security expert and not privy to the debates that are happening in that community.
So much for the disclaimers, now for the fun part...
Project Gemini history section added
The old list of the first 50 public Gemini severs which used to be linked to from the capsule's main page has now been moved into the history section. Naturally, there are redirects in place from the old URL to the new one.
It's nice to have the broad history of the project outlined, with dates for major milestones, especially for people only learning about Gemini today. But my main motivation for doing this was to compensate, to some extent, for the recent FAQ rewrite recasting the project's goals and motivations to present what we ended up with in a language accessible to the people most likely to read it today. To achieve this, I have rehosted all the old posts I made in my Gemini "side phlog" in the days before either the mailing list or the official capsule. These posts make repeated reference to the earliest framings of our design criteria, and clearly show which things we were and weren't thinking about much in the early days.
Re: Boost our Gopher activity challenge
In response to [Boost our Gopher activity challenge] by Matto I've configured my system environment to try everyday phlogging to my new [Personal soap opera phlog]. If I find more free time, I will continue to develop Gopher topics in my /Novice Series/, /News Series/, and also in the form of notes on the /original Phlog/ (which I will be calling /Technical Phlog/ for now). In the meantime, there will be informal information about what is happening with me every day on /Personal Soap Opera Phlog/. Firstly, it will allow you to develop the habit of frequent writing, and secondly, maybe someone will enjoy reading it.
Unexpected Loss Of Parent Process
Usually it is the parent process that monitors children with wait(2), though sometimes you may want a child process to detect when the parent has gone away. Perhaps the child is holding a lock, and needs to close that lock should the parent unexpectedly exit. Power users can be fast and loose with KILL signals, or the parent process could crash.