today's howtos
Perfect Server Automated ISPConfig 3 Installation on Debian 10 to Debian 12, Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 22.04
This tutorial shows you how to easily set up a web, email and DNS server with ISPConfig 3 using the ISPConfig auto-installation script.
Authenticate the SSH servers are you connecting to
It's common knowledge that SSH connections are secure; however, they always had a flaw: when you connect to a remote host for the first time, how can you be sure it's the right one and not a tampered system?
James Valleroy: FreedomBox backport automatic update issue
When run on Debian stable, FreedomBox has an optional feature called “Frequent Feature Updates”. If this feature is enabled, it has 2 effects: [...]
How to Install and Configure PostgreSQL in Django
Adding a database to your application ensures data integrity and security. PostgreSQL (Postgres) is a Structured Query Language (SQL) database management system that you may want to consider.
Postgres supports most of the popular operating systems and is compatible with modern programming languages. Postgres also handles various data and document types. With SQL skills in high demand, learning to configure and use PostgreSQL is an advantage.
You'll learn how to install, configure, and use Postgres in a Django application. You will also test the functionality of the database by adding, storing, and retrieving data from the database.
How to Write a Tech Book Published During DEF CON Conference
Many technical professionals would like to write a book sharing their knowledge and experience, but most haven't. It's not from a lack of ideas or experience with technical subject matter. Instead, they just don't know how to turn their idea into an actual published book. The publishing world seems as mysterious and inaccessible to many technology experts as technology seems to many in publishing.
How to Change the Owner of a Directory in Linux
Linux lets you control everything and that’s one of the reasons why almost every service in the world runs on servers that are managed using Linux. This pinpoint control is not only available on servers but also to users who use Linux distros on a daily basis. One of the advantages of having control is you could limit other users in Linux to how much information and files they can access, and if you didn’t already know you could do that, here’s how to change the ownership of a directory in Linux.
How to Extract or Untar a File on Linux
Unzipping files is one of the basic things every operating system out there can do. Each has its own way of doing it and Linux is no different. While you may think unzipping files in Linux might require you to have a degree in rocket science, you’d be wrong and while you could unzip files from the command line, there are lots of GUI apps that can also unzip files with ease. Hence, in this article, let’s look at how to extract or untar ZIP or TAR files on Linux.