today's howtos
How to Install and Use Timeshift on Debian 12
Are you a Debian 12 user who’s passionate about safeguarding your system against unexpected hiccups and disasters? Look no further, because Timeshift is here to save the day! Timeshift is a fantastic tool that allows you to create and restore system snapshots effortlessly.
A program's (effective) log messages can have many sources
One of the things you could say about log messages from programs is that even a program doesn't want to commit to long term stability of its log messages (which I think it shouldn't), it should be able to document a list of the messages for any particular release. Then system administrators and other parties could go through the documentation with some confidence to build log parsing and matching rules for the current version.
What is Incident Response? Ultimate Guide + Templates
Incident Response is a systematic method for addressing and managing security incidents in organizations, focused on minimizing and investigating the impact of events and restoring normal operations.
When an incident is spotted, typically by an alert or observation, response teams swing into action to address any damage and prevent it from spreading. They may disconnect infected systems, disable services, or prevent suspicious connections. Response teams also conduct an investigation into the incident, gathering evidence and studying the causes in order to determine the nature of the threat and any vulnerabilities exploited. Communication is critical, with response teams keeping everyone informed, including management, IT staff, victims, law enforcement agencies, and other stakeholders.
Authenticate the SSH servers are you connecting to
What we can do to improve the TOFU situation is to publish the server's SSH fingerprint over DNS, so when you connect, SSH will try to fetch the fingerprint if it exists and compare it with what the server is offering. This only works if the DNS server uses DNSSEC, which guarantees the DNS answer hasn't been tampered with in the process. It's unlikely that someone would be able to simultaneously hijack your SSH connection to a different server and also craft valid DNSSEC replies.
Sometimes gzip beats Brotli
But there's a new(er) compression algorithm called Brotli (br). It's Better, Faster, Stronger, Harder than gzip. Mostly.
How to Recover Deleted Files in Linux I Guide
Files management is an important skill for everyone who utilizes storage devices for whatever reason. File recovery tools for instance are crucial utilities you need to understand especially how they are used in Linux.
A good data recovery tool gives you an opportunity to recover deleted files in Linux including getting you out of many other data loss situations. Whether you are dealing with a corrupted or wiped hard disk in Linux, a well-prepared Linux administrator ought not to worry about any eventuality. In this guide, you will learn some of the commonly used recovery solutions for Linux.
Navigating Data Recovery on Linux with Open Source Software
Most people continue to face data recovery challenges across the world. Like those using Windows computers, Linux users are not left behind in these challenges. Some of the issues you could have faced before looking for this article include emptied trash on Linux, corrupted drive, deleted files, and damaged device.
However, you should not be worried as there are multiple methods you can try to fix such challenges. These fixes include using data recovery software. While there are equally many software in the market you can use today, we will explore this list of reliable open-source recovery software for data recovery on Linux. Read on to learn how to navigate a data recovery tool on Linux with a focus on open-source software.