Debian Linux is Joining The RISC-V Bandwagon
The concept behind RISC-V is truly exciting and, if it's actually able to take off, it might change the tech landscape considerably. Unlike ARM and x86, RISC-V is a completely open architecture, allowing anyone to create processors based on the design or create improvements without complicated licensing agreements. Now, Debian is officially adding RISC-V support in its next major version, version 13.
Debian 13, codenamed Trixie, will come with official support for the RISC-V architecture. While it was already possible to run Debian on RISC-V hardware, versions of Debian compatible with the architecture were technically unofficial ports. Version 13 of the operating system will be the first one to officially support the open architecture, something that represents a big win in its believers' efforts to eventually make it mainstream. Debian is already available in a range of both conventional and non-conventional CPU architectures, from the old-fashioned x86 and ARM to more niche things such as MIPS, PowerPC, and IBM Z. Debian support would also make it easier for downstream Linux distributions to add RISC-V support, such as Ubuntu Linux and its many derivities.