Rocky Linux and Fedora News
CIQ spins out its own Red Hat Ansible interface take: Ascender
CIQ, Rocky Linux's founding support and services partner, has customized its own take, Ascender on the Ansible AWX front end to the popular DevOps program Ansible.
Best known for supporting Rocky Linux, CIQ also offers high-performance computing (HPC) and server management programs such as Fuzzball, Warewulf, and Apptainer. Now, it's taken the open-source Ansible AWX, a web-based user interface, application programming interface (API), and task engine built on top of the Ansible DevOps program to create its own DevOps interface take. Ascender AWX is also one of Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform (RHAP)'s upstream projects.
Red Hat recently changed the rules for getting Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) open-source code. This ticked off the RHEL clone vendors, such as AlmaLinux and Oracle Linux. In particular, the Rocky Linux Software Foundation (RLSF) strenuously objected to this and has elected to keep building Rocky Linux off RHEL source code.
Fedora Community Blog: CPE Weekly update – Week 30 2023
This is a weekly report from the CPE (Community Platform Engineering) Team. If you have any questions or feedback, please respond to this report or contact us on #redhat-cpe channel on
How to Install Nginx on Fedora
NGINX is an open-source, high-performance HTTP server software. In the tutorial, you will learn how to install the Nginx web server on Fedora Linux systems. Prerequisites A running Fedora Linux system A user account with sudo or root access.
Filipe Rosset: Fedora rawhide – fixed bugs 2023/06