Mozilla: Pretranslation in Pontoon and ArcticFox 42.1
Mozilla Localization (L10N): Pretranslation in Pontoon: Beta Testing Results and Next Steps
The amount of content to translate for Mozilla projects is constantly growing, with overlapping and often demanding deadlines. We want to support our community of volunteers by making their life easier, in particular when it comes to using translations that have already been reviewed and approved before, but also by bootstrapping translation for brand-new content.
As part of this effort, over 3 years ago we started working on the foundation layers to support pretranslation in Pontoon, and we’re almost ready to open this feature up to all supported locales.
Before we dive in, what is pretranslation, and how does it work? If pretranslation is enabled for a combination of locale and project, when a new string is added in Pontoon:
Riccardo Mottola: ArcticFox 42.1 released
Working on most platforms! ArcticFox 42.1 is out.