Programming Leftovers
Rakudo Weekly 2023.29 DSLs and ASTs
Matthew Stuckwisch gave two very interesting presentations at the 2023 Perl and Raku Conference in Toronto: Highly recommended if you’re interested in using the new RakuAST capabilities in your code.
Learning Shell Script Functions and Arguments: A Comprehensive Guide
Bash is a known shell that is preinstalled with most Unix and Linux distributions. Bash makes it extremely easy to write powerful scripts that you can use to perform complex jobs, control hardware and software, and perform logical and analytical computations.
In this article, you’ll explore the fundamentals of shell scripting functions and arguments. You’ll see how they’re used and learn how to create your own scripts. You may come across some more terminology than you typically encounter in a blog post, along with some simple scripts you can reproduce and run. So grab your keyboard, open up a terminal, and get started!
Using Until Loop in Bash
While for maybe the most popular bahs loop, wait until you discover until. Pun intended :)
strlcpy and strlcat added to glibc
The commit in glibc says: [...]
Perhaps you may have heard people refer to Haskell as a "pure" language. Functions in Haskell may by default diverge (loop infinitely), and they may throw exceptions. Koka on the contrary is what you could call a "total language". By default functions are considered "total" 1, and are only allowed to operate on their inputs, and produce outputs. In Koka if you want to write a "pure" function, you write a function which makes use of the exn effect ("may throw exceptions") and div effect ("may diverge"): [...]
Proof of concept: drop-in JSON replacement that produces smaller payloads
JSOS, which stands for JavaScript Objects, but Smaller, is a proof-of-concept data interchange format for busy programmers. It aims to be a drop-in replacement for JSON that produces smaller payloads.
It may be a bad idea. (I want feedback!)
Putting Updates of Chromium in Qt WebEngine on a Timeline
One of the most frequent questions about Qt WebEngine is about the pace of updates of Chromium. The shortest one would be just like "When do we get the next Chromium in Qt?". Well, there are a few elements in this which make this question a matter of perspective. I once thought, I should put all elements on a timeline to sort that for me and hopefully for you in a more explanatory form.
Milvus Create an Index on the Vector
Practical tutorial on how we can use the Milvus CLI, cURL, and Python to create a vector index in simple steps to enhance the search operations on a vector.