QtEmu and Qt6 in KDE
QtEmu GUI for QEMU compiled in OE
There has been some great work posted to the forum on using QEMU in EasyOS. I reckon one or more GUIs would be nice, so have compiled QtEmu.
This is QtEmu version 2.2. The original 1.x series last release was 1.0.5 in 2007, so is a dead project. It also requires Qt4. The 2.x version is a rewrite, for Qt5. Here is the homepage of the old 1.x version: [...]
Akademy 2023, Plasma 6 and Plasmoids
During this week Akademy 2023 is going on in Thessaloniki, Greece. It’s always awesome, to see many old friends and getting together with that amazing hacker community which is KDE.
There, me and Niccolò gave a talk about what;s happening in Plasma 6 and what will change, Noccolò on more visual things, about some changes we are cooking on the UI and on the visual themes. Here you can find a recording of the talk (alongside all the others of the day)
I talked more about the work I’ve bein doing in the Plasma shell during the last couple of months: code rafactors and how the API for writing plasmoids will change.
There were many things we were not quite happy about and now with the major release is the occasion for streamlining many things.
Now, It’s very important those changes are are well communicated, and easy to do for developes, because there are *a lot* of 3rd party plasmoids on the KDE store, which people are using and enjoying.