GIMP 2.99.16 (UPDATED)
LibreArts Weekly recap — 10 July 2023
Week highlights: new releases of GIMP, Godot, Armory3D, libjpeg-turbo, fancy new features in Ardour, update on Inkscape v1.3 release status.
GIMP 2.99.16
The new version is finally out. This is not the development stage where things get super fancy. The major news is that the GTK3 port is finally done. The rest is mostly quality-of-life improvements, improved file formats support, and suchlike.
The next release is likely to be along these lines, except probably less new features (on-canvas alignment and distribution will hopefully be in v2.99.18, unless things go really wrong).
GIMP 2.99.16 is out with Full GTK3 Port, Client-Side Decoration
GIMP image editor announced a new development release for next major 3.0 this Sunday!
Some originals:
Wilber Week 2023: report
The meeting of GIMP developers is back!
GIMP 2.99.16 Released: Wilber Week 2023 edition!
Release news for version GIMP 2.99.16