today's howtos
24 Funniest Commands to Try in the Linux Terminal
Linux has a rich collection of commands, and while many of them are powerful and useful for various tasks, there are also some funny and whimsical commands that you can try out for amusement.
You might be aware of the command ls command, which is used frequently to view the contents of a directory but because of miss-typing sometimes you would result in ‘sl‘.
the article element and screen readers
I wanted to know how and if common screen readers expose the <article> element.
Here are my results: [...]
Software best practices for networkers
In classical networking, we are used to the opposite of this. It’s typical for networking teams to discuss almost every aspect of network design, such as a hostname formatting schema or IP address allocation rules and so on, until they can repeat those rules blindfolded. The reason is that with infrastructure design and deployment we implicitly weigh our time and effort differently than with software development.
Shell Built-in Commands
In Linux, there are commands and then there are shell built-ins. Linux purists refrain from calling them commands or shell built-in commands.