Gemini Articles of Interest
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Technology and Free Software
Amiga archaeology, Windows 95-98
This toolstack works well enough in most cases. The Greaseweazle is normally connected to a small Linux computer I have in my workshop, and I have both a 3,5" and 5,25" drive connected to it. In the case of this Amiga disk-box I'm currently going through, I naturally only use the 3,5" drive.
HXC's software is a bit clunky and I have to run it through wine since I don't run Windows, but it's what I'm used to from before. I have realized that I could probably replace it with the disk-utilities by keirf, since I mostly use it to analyze the disk and convert from scp to different formats.
(not quite) three years of Gemini (for me)
My initial commit to the repository that manages this capsule is dated 9/7/2020.
Solderpunk says that Gemini dates back from 6/20/2019, assuming I’m subtracting by 4 properly.
I came for the Calm™ and stayed for the low-friction publishing with a workflow that I’m used to (edit text file, git commit text file, upload text file somewhere, let automated backups do their thing when they get around to it).
The Playdate
In which I discuss my thoughts on the Playdate console and the games I've played on it.
What is funny is for a month or two before I first heard about the Playdate, I was earnestly looking for a device that was more pocketable than my original model Game Boy Advance but was more capable and/or cheaper than however much GBA Micros are now. I had decided on getting a Miyoo Mini and was just waiting for them to get back in stock when someone on the Fediverse posted about the Playdate, and literally the instant I saw it I knew I had to get one.
June 2023 Status Update
I haven't posted in a long time here, this is actually the first entry of the 2023... woops!
Truth to be told, there are various things I'd like to write about but not enough time, so I thought to copy the big guys and write a "Status Update" post myself. It's more like sending a message in a bottle though.
So, lots of stuff, right? Let's go!
Last month I started to help in the OpenSMTPD-portable repository. It was starting to rot a bit, lagging behind what we have in base on OpenBSD and accumulating cruft.
Why am I here (in Geminispace)?
A preface: I’m severely out of practice wrt writing. This feels kinda meandering, the ideas don’t seem to flow that well and I’m not even sure it makes that much sense. It’s also uncomfortably woe-is-me and humourless. So… sorry, I guess?
How to Kill a Decentralised Network (such as the Fediverse)
Year is 2023. The whole Internet is under the control of the GAFAM empire. All? No. Because a few small villages are resisting the oppression. And some of those villages started to agregate, forming the "Fediverse".
With debates around Twitter and Reddit, the Fediverse started to gain fame and attention. People started to use it for real. The empire started to notice.
How to Kill a Decentralised Network (such as the Fediverse)
As Peter Thiel, one of Facebook’s prominent investor, put it: "Competition is for losers." Yep, those pseudo "market is always right" people don’t want a market when they are in it. They want a monopoly. Since its inception, Facebook have been very careful to kill every competition. The easiest way of doing it being by buying companies that could, one day, become competitors. Instagram, WhatsApp to name a few, were bought only because their product attracted users and could cast a shadow on Facebook.