Firefox 114 on POWER and Microsoft Attacking Copyleft/GPL Under the Guise of Buzzwords/Innovation
Firefox 114 on POWER
Firefox 114 is released. The biggest update in my humble opinion is that (assuming you're running Linux) you can now use FIDO2/WebAuthn authenticators over USB, and virtually all of them should "just work" with OpenPOWER hardware. I'm going to try this out and report back but cursorily looking at the source code I don't see any reason why it would be incompatible. If you bought your POWER9 for security purposes, or even if you just like being secure-adjacent, here's another advance to take advantage of. A more nebulous new feature in 114 is support for WebTransport, which adds low-latency datagram-grade server communication and should facilitate more interactive applications but will probably just be another way for sites to spy on you. Oh well! This initial cut requires HTTP/3 but HTTP/2 support is coming.
Whose line is it anyway, GitHub? Innovation, not litigation, should answer
Perhaps it's the way it does it, presenting the code suggestions out of context. There are lots of open source licenses, after all, and some may contain conditions that our happy Copilot cut and paster should know about. Well, assuming Copilot can recognize when it's suggesting someone else's code, it's not unreasonable that it can report the licensing conditions it's offered under. That puts the onus on the coder to comply, which is more ethical than offering up temptation while hiding the consequences. Might even improve the hit rate for following open source rules.