Events: Software Freedom Conservancy Runs FOSSY (Not Taking Microsoft Money Anymore), openSUSE.Asia Summit 2023 Call For Papers
FOSSY schedule announcement
A news item from Software Freedom Conservancy.
The FOSSY schedule has been set! With four days of talks and workshops, we are looking forward to a fantastic conference. Thanks to all our incredible track organizers and speakers for working with us to create a jam packed weekend of FOSS. We look forward to building this conference with you all in Portland, OR this July 13-16th.
Join us Thursday the 13th for registration and a welcome lunch, then there are 2 workshops and 3 tracks to choose from! Grow Your Project Workshop, Free BSD Workshop, AArch64/ARM64 Servers and Open Source, FOSS For Education, XMPP.
openSUSE.Asia Summit 2023 Call For Papers
It is a pleasure to announce the call for papers for openSUSE.Asia summit 2023 starting today, the openSUSE.Asia Committee is looking for speakers from different avenues of life, representing and advocating Free and Open Source Software. openSUSE.Asia Summits are organized every year to promote the use of free and open source software and have been appreciated events for the openSUSE community (i.e. both contributors and users) in Asia. Following the last Asia Summit, the nineth openSUSE.Asia Summit 2023 will be held by openSUSE Chongqing team on Late October. The speakers are eligible to receive sponsorship from openSUSE Travel Support Program (TSP). Even if you live away from China, please consider applying for the event.
The past Asia Summits received major participation from Indonesia, China mainland, China Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, and India.