today's leftovers
Orange Pi 5/5B SBC gets a fanless aluminum enclosure
Orange Pi 5 and 5B are affordable single board computers based on Rockchip RK3588S processor, but so far they did not have a fanless enclosure nor an easy way to add a heatsink leading some to create an ICE Tower cooling fan for the boards. But Orange Pi has recently launched an aluminum enclosure for $12.99 on Aliexpress(or $25 on Amazon) for both models that should help with cooling and protect the hardware from dust. But note that it does not work with the Rockchip RK3588-powered Orange Pi 5 Plus SBC since its dimensions are different. The Orange Pi 5 fanless enclosure is made of aluminum alloy, measures 105.9 x 68.7 x 27mm, and weighs 126 grams with all ports accessible from the outside, except for the 26-pin header and the 3-pin UART header. The company also included a power button to cleanly shut down the system.
New Academic Collaboration Puts Open 3D Engine in the Hands of Next-Generation Game Developers
The Open 3D Foundation (O3DF), home of a vibrant, diverse community focused on building a first-class, open source engine for real-time 3D development, today announced Project Eureka, an academic collaboration with the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) that is underwriting a team of students and faculty to build a commercial game using the Open 3D Engine (O3DE).
mintCast 414 – Salt and Battery
First up in the news, Mint Monthly News, All-Snap Ubuntu Desktop Will Be Available Next Year, Red Hat Stops Packaging LibreOffice as RPM for RHEL & Fedora, Mozilla Thunderbird’s Next Big Update Is Now in Beta, Windows XP activation algorithm cracked - keygen now works on Linux; In security and privacy, we meet Blacksuit; Then in our Wanderings, Bill chases burning trucks, Moss is feeling the pressure, and Majid needs to stop spending money In our Innards section, we discuss laptop battery life; And finally, the feedback and a couple of suggestions Download