Programming Leftovers
Arturo Borrero González: Wikimedia Hackathon 2023 Athens summary
During the weekend of 19-23 May 2023 I attended the Wikimedia hackathon 2023 in Athens, Greece. The event physically reunited folks interested in the more technological aspects of the Wikimedia movement in person for the first time since 2019. The scope of the hacking projects include (but was not limited to) tools, wikipedia bots, gadgets, server and network infrastructure, data and other technical systems.
Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities May 2023
This month I didn't have any particular focus. I just worked on issues in my info bubble.
ARIES v3.0 development board features India-made VEGA RISC-V processor
ARIES v3.0 is an Arduino-inspired development board with the made-in-India 100 MHz THEAJS32 ASIC with the VEGA ET1031 RISC-V microprocessor, 256KB of internal SRAM, and various I/Os.
Downloading snapshots and creating stable R packages repositories using r-universe
The new snapshot API lets you download a full copy of any CRAN-like repository on r-universe.
The Servo Blog: Adding support for ‘outline’ properties
As mentioned in our last blog post, we’re currently working on selecting a layout engine for Servo between the original Layout 2013 and the newer Layout 2020.
Our plan has been to start by implementing some small features in Layout 2020, to help us decide whether to switch to the new layout engine, and in turn tackle more complex features like floats. One of these features was ‘outline’, which is now supported in the new engine.
A few days ago, we landed support for ‘outline’ and ‘outline-offset’. These properties are now fully supported in Servo, with two minor caveats: [...]