Programming Leftovers
Josef Strzibny: I am building a Ruby on Rails SaaS template
Here’s 3 reasons why I am building a brand new SaaS template for Rails.
I am building a new SaaS template for Rails called Business Class. Since there are several similar good options on the market today you might wonder why I am even doing it.
A post on the RustConf keynote fiasco
The Rust community has experienced some turbulence in response to the cancellation of a keynote talk at the upcoming RustConf event. The Rust project leadership has now put out a blog post apologizing for and explaining its role in the event, describing its ""decision-making and communication processes"" as the primary cause of the failure.
The Rust Programming Language Blog: On the RustConf keynote
On May 26th 2023, JeanHeyd Meneide announced they would not speak at RustConf 2023 anymore. They were invited to give a keynote at the conference, only to be told two weeks later the keynote would be demoted to a normal talk, due to a decision made within the Rust project leadership.
That decision was not right, and first off we want to publicly apologize for the harm we caused. We failed you JeanHeyd. The idea of downgrading a talk after the invitation was insulting, and nobody in leadership should have been willing to entertain it.
2023.22 RakuAST Rolling
Elizabeth Mattijsen was really on a roll this week with 4 blog posts, introducing RakuAST to early adopters: Of course, if you're not an early adopter, but are considering to become one, this is also interesting reading material!
Mark J. Wielaard: Sourceware joins the fediverse
A few weeks back Sourceware joined the Software Freedom Conservancy. This week Sourceware joins the fediverse at
The account will be used for Sourceware announcements, notices about downtime and temporary issues with our network.
Welcome Khaled Hosny, new Developer at TDF
The Document Foundation (TDF) is the non-profit entity behind LibreOffice, providing infrastructure and support for the community that makes the suite.
[Old] [Repeat] Clever Code Considered Harmful
This is important to keep in mind if you’re building an open-source tool, but it’s even more important if you’re working in a production codebase with other humans. Especially ones that have less experience than you.