today's howtos
How to install Remmina on Ubuntu Desktop 22.04
Hello, friends. In this post, you will learn how to install Remmina on Ubuntu Desktop 22.04 Remmina is a remote desktop client that is characterized by being simple and easy to use. Of course, it is open source, so you can easily audit its source code, and it is available in 67 languages.
free Command in Linux (Check Memory Uses)
In the vast world of Linux, understanding how your system is using memory is a fundamental skill. This knowledge allows you to monitor the health and performance of your system, diagnose issues, and optimize resource allocation.
How to Install and Set Up Snort IDS on Linux
Intrusion detection systems (IDS) are essential in protecting computer networks from unauthorized access and potential dangers in the field of cybersecurity. Snort IDS stands out among the many available IDS choices as a robust and extensively used open-source solution for detecting and preventing network intrusions. This tutorial shows you how to install and set up Snort IDS on Linux, providing you with the knowledge you need to improve the security of your network.
How To Install Rust on Fedora 38
In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Rust on Fedora 38. For those of you who didn’t know, Rust is a statically typed language that guarantees memory safety, prevents data races, and ensures thread safety.
What are the difference between SH and BASH?
When it comes to shell scripting, two prominent shells often come to the fore: the Bourne Shell (SH) and the Bourne Again Shell (Bash). Both are integral components of Unix and Linux-based systems, providing an interface to interact with the operating system.
How to set up a dual boot with Pop!_OS and Windows
Are you torn between the user-friendly nature of Windows and the rich capabilities of Pop!_OS? Why not enjoy the best of both worlds by setting up a dual boot? Dual booting allows you to run two different operating systems on the same computer, providing you with the versatility to use whichever OS suits your current needs.
How to install Docker using SNAP on Ubuntu Linux
One of the quickest ways to get Docker on Ubuntu Linux such as 22.04, 20.04, and other versions is using the SNAP command, here we learn how to use it. Docker doesn't need an introduction to those who are dealing in containerized-based apps.
2 Ways to start Docker Container automatically on Boot in Linux
Containerization is not a new technology anymore, millions of apps using it and in this, Docker has played quite an essential role in providing a platform for managing and deploying Conatiner-based applications.
How to Install CakePHP on Ubuntu 22.04
CakePHP is an open-source web application framework written in PHP.
How to compile a C++ program on Linux
In this TechRepublic How to Make Tech Work video, Jack Wallen shows you the step-by-step process of compiling a C++ program on Linux, using Ubuntu Desktop 23.04 for his demo.
Completely Uninstall MySQL Server in Ubuntu
While package management in Ubuntu, as in most Linux operating systems nowadays, makes it extremely easy to install...
40+ Linux Commands Cheat Sheet for Beginners
All Linux users acknowledge the contributive power of the command-line/terminal environment.
How to Install Brave Browser in Ubuntu 23.04
This simple tutorial shows how to install brave browser via the new apt source policy in Ubuntu 23.04 - 22.04. Due to security issue, Debian changed its policy for adding apt sources. Ubuntu is changing the rules too.
50+ Useful Git Commands for Everyone
Brief: This article guide highlights and demonstrates the usage of some useful Git commands for handling distributed version control on Git-repository management systems...
Useful SSH Cheat Sheet for Linux System Administrators
SSH or Secure Shell program is renowned for its secure operation of network services via a cryptographic network protocol.
How to compile a C++ program on Linux
In this TechRepublic How to Make Tech Work video, Jack Wallen shows you the step-by-step process of compiling a C++ program on Linux, using Ubuntu Desktop 23.04 for his demo.
How to use OpenShift GitOps to deploy applications
This article discusses how to use Red Hat OpenShift GitOps to automate application deployment. With a specific pattern, you will be able to deploy multiple applications to different environments once the app is committed to a Git repo. Follow this semi-guided demo to set up an automated method to deploy your application to Red Hat OpenShift clusters using the GitOps approach.