today's howtos
Alternatives to popular CLI tools: history
history is a command which displays or manipulates the history list. We recommend alternatives to this command.
Holger Levsen: How-To use fwupd
As one cannot use fwupd on Qubes OS to update firmwares this is a quick How-To for using fwupd on Grml for future me.
- boot into Grml.
- mount /boot/efi to /efi or set OverrideESPMountPoint=/boot/efi/EFI if you mount to the usual path.
- apt install fwupd-amd64-signed udisks2 policykit-1
- fwupdmgr get-devices
- fwupdmgr refresh
- fwupdmgr get-updates
- fwupdmgr update
- reboot into Qubes OS.
Steinar H. Gunderson: Joining files with FFmpeg
Joining video files (back-to-back) losslessly with FFmpeg is a surprisingly cumbersome operation. You can't just, like, write all the inputs on the command line or something; you need to use a special demuxer and then write all the names in a text file and override the security for that file, which is pretty crazy.