today's howtos
Everything Essential About the tmp Directory in Linux
If you have been using Linux for a while, you must have come across the /tmp directory.
The data structure behind terminals
Grids - two-dimensional arrays of characters - are the universal building blocks of terminals. The basic operations we expect from our terminals - entering a command, receiving output, scrolling through a file - are, at their core, operations on grids. This piece is an attempt at explaining the terminal from the bottom up, starting from the grid. The goal is to spell out some of the not-so-obvious performance calculus behind terminal grids: what are the operations being optimized and at what cost?
Some early praise for using drgn for poking into Linux kernel internals
I used drgn on an Ubuntu 22.04 test NFS server, by creating a Python 3 venv, installing drgn into the venv, and then running it from there (after installing the necessary kernel debugging information from Ubuntu); this worked fine and 'drgn' gave me a nice interactive Python environment where with minimal knowledge of drgn itself I could poke around the kernel. Specifically, I could poke into the various data structures maintained by the kernel NFS NLM system, with the goal of being able to see which NFS client owned each NFS lock on the server (or in this case, a lock, since it was a test server and I established only a single lock to it for simplicity).
Flock() and fcntl() file locks and Linux NFS (v3)
Unix broadly and Linux specifically has long had three functions that can do file locks, flock(), fcntl(), and lockf(). The latter two are collectively known as 'POSIX' file locks because they appear in the POSIX specification (and on Linux lockf() is just a layer over fcntl()), while flock() is a separate thing with somewhat different semantics (cf), as it originated in BSD Unix. In /proc/locks, flock() locks are type 'FLOCK' and fcntl()/lockf() locks are type 'POSIX', and you can see both on a local system.
Build your own private WireGuard VPN with PiVPN
I am frequently away from home (whether on family vacation, a business trip, or out around town), but I have a number of important resources on my home network—as any homelabber does.
There are services I like to access remotely like my NAS with my giant media library, my edit server with all my active projects, and especially Home Assistant, which lets me monitor all aspects of my home.
Some people rely on individual cloud services from IoT vendors and have a bunch of apps to connect to each type of device independently. As someone who has dealt with numerous security breaches for numerous services, I know not to trust 50 different cloud-connected devices in my home.
That's why I'm a 'self-hosted' homelabber, and why I try to find devices that don't leave my local network.