today's howtos
Responsive Yearly Calendar with Flexbox
The wrapper which holds all the calendars uses flex-wrap. This means there's no need to set explicit breakpoints - if there's no horizontal space, the calendar will move to the next row.
Of Sun Ray laptops, MIPS and getting root on them
I like Sun Ray laptops. They make surprisingly useful thin clients. Here, going from right to left, I'm playing Quake on my Solaris UltraBook IIi while it serves a Sun Ray session via Sun Ray Server Software (SRSS) to my silver Sun Ray 2N in the middle, and on my Accutech Gobi on the left I'm root.
Improving my interactive jq workflow with ijq, bash and tmux
I'm a big fan of ijq and how it allows me to explore JSON data interactively with jq expressions. With a small script I have improved my workflow by being able to capture the jq expression from ijq and use it easily on the command line.
More notes on Linux's /proc/locks and NFS as of Ubuntu 22.04
About a year ago, when we were still running our NFS fileservers, I investigated /proc/locks a bit (it's documented in the proc(5) manual page). Since then we've upgraded our fileservers to Ubuntu 22.04 (which uses Ubuntu's '5.15.0' kernel), and there's some things that are a bit different now, especially on NFS servers.