today's leftovers
David Tomaschik: BSidesSF CTF 2023: Lastpwned (Author Writeup)
I was the challenge author for a handful of challenges for this year’s BSidesSF CTF. One of those challenges was
, inspired by a recent high-profile data breach. This challenge provided a web-based password manager with client-side encryption.The challenge description read:
It’s 2023, so it’s finally time that people use a password manager. We’ve got our zero-knowledge solution ready to go. To prove our trust in it, the admin is even using it for their passwords too!
Visiting the challenge website, players are presented with a page to login or register. Registering gives us an account, and presents a UI with several pages, including passwords and history. In the passwords page, we can add and view our encrypted passwords. On the history page, we see a list of historical versions of our encrypted passwords, and clicking on one loads the historical “keybag”.
ACPI Driver Package version 3.23.17 now available
Arca Noae is pleased to announce the immediate availability of our ACPI Driver Package for ArcaOS, OS/2, and eComStation version 3.23.17. This release contains the following changes: Enhanced fixup logic for some rare BIOS problems. Enhanced some diagnostic options. Updated ACPICA. Please see the ACPI Driver ReadMe for details about this update.
Linux Around The World: USA – Delaware
We cover user groups that are running in the US state of Delaware. This article forms part of our Linux Around The World series.