Programming Leftovers
Arduino IDE 2.1 is now available!
The development of the Arduino IDE is made possible thanks to a passionate open source community, and to everyone supporting us with donations, purchases of original Arduino hardware, or Arduino Cloud subscriptions.
AgonLight Weekend Programming Challenge – ISSUE 1
Some of you probably remember the Weekend Programming Challenge we ran ten years ago! The code is still here. The idea behind it was for people to learn from each other’s solutions and have fun. To add a bit of competition, a small reward was awarded to the winner, usually a new Olimex board.
We decided to resume this coding challenge for AgonLight.
[Repeat] What’s new in R 4.3.0?
In R, almost all of your data will be stored as a vector. Even if your vector holds a single value it is still considered to be a vector by R. This is unlike many other languages, and getting comfortable “thinking for the whole vector” can gain you efficiencies from several viewpoints. Your code will be more concise and it may even run quicker, when compared with an iterative approach to the same problem.
Will emerging artificial intelligence boost research productivity?
As people like Stonebraker have remarked, we have lost our way: people publish to get jobs and promotions, and no longer to advance science. the focus on peer-reviewed publications has more to do with a status competition between researchers and academics, than a genuine desire to advance science. The metrics have been gamed. Researchers, generally, no longer have customers: nobody uses the result of the work, except maybe other researchers. Peer-reviewed papers are getting increasingly boring
How To Install And Configure Alacritty Terminal Emulator In Linux
In this article, we will take a look at one of the popular terminal emulators named Alacritty and how to install Alacritty in various Linux distributions, and finally how to configure Alacritty terminal emulator to get the most of it.
How I teach Python with open source tools
I love to teach Python. I start by beginning where the learner begins. My first question is, "How would you like to learn Python?"
They usually answer, "What's Python?"
That's when I give them some examples of websites built with Python they might already be familiar with. I also provide examples of using Python in data science, engineering, web development, and, most recently, artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Most folks are intimidated when you try to introduce computer programming because their first efforts failed or someone told them programming is difficult. I show them a simple print statement that easily demonstrates how much the Python syntax is like the language they speak.