Microsoft Trouble, Front Group ('Linux' Foundation), and Ransomware Attack
Slow Growth in Azure to Impact Microsoft's (MSFT) Q3 Earnings [Ed: More Azure layoffs at Microsoft. Azure has failed. "Growth" at Microsoft is shuffling the buckets and rebranding one product as another (newer name/bucket). If Microsoft keeps rebranding more and more things "Azure", then it'll grow in the sense that the number of things called Azure is up. Shareholders are told of growth, but they probably subsidise losses.]
Microsoft Earnings Could Fall Flat on Slower Cloud Growth [Ed: Many more Microsoft layoffs ahead of next week's results or the summer results. This company cannot grow, only fake growth.]
SONiC test lab gains industry support [Ed: Microsoft front group disguised as something that it's not]
Ransomware Attack Hits Health Insurer Point32Health [iophk: Windows TCO]
Established in 2021 as the merger between Harvard Pilgrim Health Care and Tufts Health Plan, Point32Health is the second largest health insurer in Massachusetts, serving more than 2 million customers.
In a notification published this week, the organization revealed that it fell victim to a ransomware attack on April 17, which forced it to take systems offline to contain the incident.