Programming Leftovers
Your First PyCon, But Not Your First Convention
Trey Hunner's guide on going to your first PyCon is from 2018, and has a lot of good advice! Many items in it are more helpful if this will also be your first time going to an industry conference at all. So here's some PyCon US-specific and 2023-specific stuff that assumes you have other cons to compare it to: [...]
How anthropomorphism hinders AI education
Our approach to describing AI and machine learning in AI education resources for young people.
Why should I use R: The Excel R plotting comparison: Part 2
Why create plots in R and not Excel? To a programmer this may seem like a very obvious question, but it is still a common question asked by Excel users — If you have a data set, could you select it, hit a couple of buttons and generate plots? This is one of the trickiest questions to answer, especially if you have limited Excel experience as many new age data scientists do. Hopefully, some of the reasons below will encourage you to make the switch from Excel to R.
Launching Sublime Text with dmenu on Alpine Linux
Everyone seems to be running some version of VSCode as their main editor these days. But not me. I find VSCode to be too bloated for my needs - not to mention being built on top of electron instead of native code. I prefer running programs that don't try to devour all of my machine's available memory or spike my CPU.