today's howtos
How to get the latest stable version of GNOME Web on Linux
Hello, friends. In this post, you will learn how to get the latest stable version of GNOME Web on Linux. What is GNOME Web? According to the project's website, Web is the web browser for the GNOME desktop and for elementary OS, based on the popular WebKit engine.
Migrating from WordPress to Hugo
There were many reasons I decided to leave WordPress.
Moving from 'master' to 'main' in Git with local changes
One of the things that various open source Git repositories are doing is changing their main branch from being called 'master' to being called 'main'. As a consumer of their repository, this is generally an easy switch for me to deal with; some day, I will do a 'git pull', get a report that there's a new 'main' branch but there's no upstream 'master', and then I'll do 'git checkout main' and I'm all good. However, with some repositories I have my own local changes, which I handle through Git rebasing. Recently I had to go through a 'master' to 'main' switch on such a repository, so I'm writing down what I did for later use.
Securing MySQL Database with Limited User Permissions
MySQL is one of the most popular open-source relational database management systems used by developers worldwide. However, with its popularity comes a significant risk of security threats such as SQL injection attacks.
How to Install an Older Version of a Package in Ubuntu/Debian
It's not advisable to install an older version of a package on your computer, but what can we do when the latest build removes the feature that we want?
Securing MySQL database with Stored Procedures
Securing your MySQL database is crucial for protecting sensitive data and preventing unauthorized access.
How to Install TensorFlow on Ubuntu 22.04
TensorFlow is an excellent tool for developers looking to create and train advanced models in the field of machine learning.
How To Restore a Particular Schema from a PostgreSQL Database Backup
If you intend to restore only one or a few schemas from a PostgreSQL backup file, you can use the pg_restore command, which is used for restoring a particular PostgreSQL database from an archive created by pg_dump in non-plain-text formats.
In this guide, we will show how to restore a particular schema from a PostgreSQL database backup file using the pg_restore command-line tool.
How To Install and Use Android Debug Bridge (adb) in Linux
Android Debug Bridge (adb) is the most used command-line tool that enables communication between a personal computer and a connected Android-powered device or emulator instance over a USB cable or TCP/IP (wirelessly).
It supports various device actions such as networking, scripting, installing and debugging apps, and file transfer. It also provides access to a Unix shell that can be used to run a variety of Linux commands on a device.
Getting Started With XCP-ng Management Console
In our previous tutorial, we discussed how to install XCP-ng server. Before deploying our first VM, let us get familiar with XCP-ng configuration menu. Allow me to give you a screenshot tour to get started with XCP-ng Management Console.
How to Choose a Free VPN for Linux? [Ed: Potentially spammy or promotional.]
Privacy…we all crave it, right? Whether it's personal space from loved ones or a colleague's prying eyes, we all value it.
But when it comes to the internet, you can never be careful. Who knows how many eyes are feasting on your search history or previous video watches?