HackerBox and Hardware Printing With Raspberry Pi
HackerBox leverages dual ESP32 dev boards
HackerBox is a monthly subscription that combines and delivers various dev kits aimed at hobbyists and students. This month’s HackerBox is based on the wardriver.uk platform and it features two ESP32-WROOM-32U modules, one GSM modem, a MicroSD card, an OLED display and many other components.
Meet Allie Katz: 3D printing expert
A: Start small and work your way up to bigger and more complex things. Test and calibration prints are a great way to get to know your printer’s capabilities and limitations, but if you find that uninteresting and want to be designing and printing your own things, then try tackling one difficult thing at a time, instead of trying to throw it into a single design. I also recommend reading up on the basics/theory of 3D printing before diving in too far, particularly since there are some amazing, very easy-to-digest primers out there. I highly recommend Billie Ruben’s guides.