Programming Leftovers
API Testing Using Playwright With Python
Playwright is a popular end-to-end testing framework that Microsoft backs. With support for popular programming languages, such as Javascript, Typescript, Python, and Java, you can use Playwright to test your existing software projects. In addition to end-to-end testing, Playwright also supports API testing using built-in methods in the APIRequestContext class. This allows you to use a single tool to implement both end-to-end testing and API testing. Moreover, Playwright provides customized reports with different types, such as CI report or allure report.
In this article, you’ll learn how you can implement API testing using Playwright with Python, then generate an allure report for API testing.
Flow-Based Programming, a way for AI and humans to develop together
I think by now everybody reading this will have seen how the new generation of Large Language Models like ChatGPT are able to produce somewhat useful code. Like any advance in software development—from IDEs to high-level languages—this has generated some discussion on the future employment prospects in our field.
This made me think about how these new tools could fit the world of Flow-Based Programming, a software development technique I’ve been involved with for quite a while. In Flow-Based Programming these is a very strict boundary between reusable “library code” (called Components) and the “application logic” (called the Graph).
Logical Properties and Ease
A few years later, I re-enrolled in the entry-level programming class determined to wrap my head around this “programming” thing. By then they were teaching Python instead of C++ (plus I had a little JavaScript, i.e. jQuery, exposure) and working with numbers in a scripting language felt so much more intuitive: just do the math then format the number how you like.
What’s my point?
It can be difficult to learn abstractions that have little relevance to our direct, lived experience.
How are OCaml Programmers Called?
I’ve been wondering about this in the background of my mind ever since I got interested in OCaml last year. I finally decided to do a bit of digging around and I’ve discovered that there’s no popular/common term for OCaml programmers. The members of the community did have some cool ideas, though.
Betraying vim for the IDEs of March
For the past few weeks I've been ruminating on the pair programming experience I have had at work. Mostly, we've used screen sharing and that's a whole pile of pain I'd rather not talk about. Meet and Zoom are great for some things, and the things they're great at are decidedly not sharing a window of text that's scrolling at a decent clip.