Devices: OpenEmbedded, Yocto, and moteus
openvpn compiled in OpenEmbedded
There was a post to the forum that VPN does not work in Easy:
Alfons reported that he got openvpn working, by installing DEB packages.
So, I have compiled openvpn in OE and posted to the above forum thread.
I have added 'openvpn' to the package-list so it will be builtin in the next release of EasyOS.
Ross Burton: Building a big-endian Arm system in Yocto
For reasons I won't bore anyone with I needed to build a 32-bit big-endian system with the Yocto Project to test a package, and I thought I'd write the steps down in case I ever need to do it again (or, even more unlikely, someone else needs to do it).
For unsurprising reasons I thought I'd do a big-endian Arm build. So we start by picking the
machine, which is a Armv7-A processor (Cortex-A15, specifically) in little-endian mode by default. -
moteus external connector pin selection
moteus r4.11 has two external connectors, the ABS connector (AUX2) and the ENC/AUX1 connector. The ABS connector was designed initially just to have 2 I2C pins. The ENC connector just has the random pins that were used for the onboard encoder SPI plus one more.