ScummVM 2.7.0: The Real Slim Shader (UPDATED)
We are proud to announce the first release of the year 2023. Please welcome ScummVM 2.7.0 – "The Real Slim Shader".
New games
Once again, the number of available games increased substantially thanks to new engines, as well as incredible improvements across older engines.
With ScummVM 2.7.0, we officially announce support for the following games:
- Soldier Boyz
- Obsidian
- Pink Panther: Passport to Peril
- Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink
- Adibou 2 "Environment", "Read/Count 4 & 5" and "Read/Count 6 & 7"
- Driller/Space Station Oblivion
- Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II
- Chop Suey, Eastern Mind, and 16 other Director 3 and Director 4 titles
Now Liam Dawe:
ScummVM 2.7.0 'The Real Slim Shader' supports even more classics
ScummVM 2.7.0, The Real Slim Shader, is officially out now bringing more compatibility for retro titles to modern platforms so here's what's new. What exactly is ScummVM? To put it simply: it's a whole set of different open source game engines under one roof, with each focusing on a different type of retro games.