Arduino Projects: DIY, Detecting Falls, and More
A DIY peristaltic pump controlled by an Arduino
There are many different fluid pumping mechanisms to choose from, but the peristaltic pump is a great choice when you don't want the liquid to contact any moving parts.
Detecting falls by embedding ML into clothing
Bone density, strength, and coordination all decrease as we age, and this fact can lead to some serious consequences in the form of slips, falls, and other accidents. In Finland, falling is the most common type of accidental death among those age 65 and over, amounting to around 1,200 per year.
James Bruton improves his triangle-tracked tank
Tanks are already quite maneuverable, because the tracks allow them to rotate in place. But what if they were even more maneuverable and could drive in any direction? About a year ago, James Bruton built a small robot tank that had that capability thanks to a triangle-shaped track system with omniwheel-style rollers.