Software: gnome-extensions-cli, CPU Benchmarking, Font Management, and Medical Imaging Software
Search, Install And Update GNOME Shell Extensions From The Command Line Using gnome-extensions-cli
Easy CPU Benchmarking on Linux
I have spent a disproportionate of my time looking at CPU Benchmarks because numbers are fun. There are a lot of ways to benchmark and test your system and frankly most of them are too complex for me to really care.
15 Best Tools for Linux Font Management
If you're like me and have been using Linux for a long time, you know font management can be an issue in most distributions - still! Although Linux has come a great way since its earlier attempt at font management, which resulted in an amateurish-looking desktop, it still has plenty to improve.
25 Best Free Medical Imaging Software for Linux
Computers have been playing a significant role in modern healthcare systems since their inception. Have you ever wondered how medical imaging like MRI or X-ray scan copies is implemented? Your computer utilizes a special kind of file schema for this purpose.