Debian and Ubuntu Leftovers
Porterboxes and alternatives - ひとりしずかに。
As you know, Debian projects and sponsor provides so-called "porterbox", but it does not cover all architectures.
Monthly report about Debian Long Term Support, December 2022 | Freexian
Like each month, have a look at the work funded by Freexian’s Debian LTS offering.
How digital twins enable data-driven automotive supply chains | Ubuntu
The automotive industry is facing one of its biggest revolutions since the advent of automation. In this post, we will go through the Industry 4.0 aspects and how OEMs can turn these challenges into opportunities.
To put it simply, the first Industrial Revolution relied on steam power, the second one on electricity and the third one on computers. What about the fourth Industrial Revolution everyone is talking about? I would describe it as a data-driven revolution.
In order to build a vehicle today, more than 3,000 parts need to be integrated per vehicle! These parts come from hundreds of suppliers around the world that need to work hand in hand with the OEM.
From designing the part, to sourcing it, producing it and delivering it, the entire supply chain needs to behave like clockwork. On top of that, there are environmental and social commitments that have to be considered, mainly related to worker well-being, for example.