GCompris 3.0 Educational Software Released with 8 New Activities, More
GCompris 3.0 is here more than a year after GCompris 2.0 and introduces eight new activities, including “Mouse click training” for practicing using a mouse with left and right clicks, as well as “Create the fractions” and “Find the fractions” for learning decimal quantities with pie or rectangle charts.
Other new activities included in this release are “Discover the International Morse code” for learning how to communicate with the international Morse code, “Compare numbers” for learning how to compare number values using comparison symbols, “Find ten’s complement” for learning the concept of ten’s complement, along with “Swap ten’s complement” for swapping numbers of addition to optimize it using ten’s complement and “Use ten’s complement” for decomposing an addition to optimize it using ten’s complement.
Update (by Roy)
Original and another release:
Release GCompris 3.0
We are pleased to announce the release of GCompris version 3.0.
On the translation side, GCompris 3.0 contains 36 languages. 25 are fully translated: (Azerbaijani, Basque, Breton, British English, Catalan, Catalan (Valencian), Chinese Traditional, Croatian, Dutch, Estonian, French, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Malayalam, Norwegian Nynorsk, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Ukrainian). 11 are partially translated: (Albanian (99%), Belarusian (83%), Brazilian Portuguese (94%), Czech (82%), Finnish (94%), German (91%), Indonesian (99%), Macedonian (94%), Slovak (77%), Swedish (94%) and Turkish (71%)).
A special note about Ukrainian voices which have been added thanks to the organization "Save the Children" who funded the recording. They installed GCompris on 8000 tablets and 1000 laptops, and sent them to Digital learning Centers and other safe spaces for children in Ukraine.
Croatian voices have also been recorded by a contributor.
As usual you can find packages of this new version for GNU/Linux, Windows, Android, Raspberry Pi and macOS on the download page. This update will also be available soon in the Android Play store, the F-Droid repository and the Windows store.
For packagers of GNU/Linux distributions, note that we have a new dependency on QtCharts QML plugin, and the minimum required version of Qt5 is now 5.12. We also moved from using QtQuick.Controls 1 to QtQuick.Controls 2.
Release GCompris 3.1
Today we are releasing GCompris version 3.1.
As we noticed that version 3.0 contained a critical bug in the new "Comparator" activity, we decided to quickly ship this 3.1 maintenance release to fix the issue.
It also contains some little translation update.