today's leftovers
Keeping the wolves out of wolfSSL
The vulnerabilities mark a milestone for the fuzzer: They are the first vulnerabilities found using this tool that have a far-reaching impact. We can also confidently say that this vulnerability would not have been easy to find with classical bit-level fuzzers. It’s especially intriguing that on average, the fuzzer took less than one hour to discover a vulnerability and crash.
Is Mastodon Development Sustainable?
At the time of this writing Mastodon has over 3.400 open issues, and over 200 open pull requests.
We need a better way to keep Mastodon development moving forward.
Who gets to decide which of the 200 open PRs are worthy of being included in the main distribution? How do we find the resources to go through all those open issues?
Derek Powazek - A community isn’t a garden, it’s a bar.
I’ve been writing about social media since it was called virtual community, and in that time, the most common metaphor I’ve used is gardening. It’s a good metaphor, because it demands a delineation between what you want to grow and what you don’t, and it emphasizes nurturance, perhaps the most important quality of a community manager.
But it’s almost 2023 now. The world is different, the online world is very different, and I’m pushing 50. So I think it’s time we all start talking about online gathering places with a more apt metaphor: bars.
The parallels to online behavior are easy to see. Online, people are much more willing to type things that they’d never say in person. How many times have we found out the hard way that a celebrity really cannot handle having a Twitter account? Drunk on the feedback loop, they can be goaded into saying more and more extreme things.
In a virtual space, when everyone is being noisy, you have to be even louder to get noticed. This is what leads to the loudest, most aggressive people gaining the most attention online.
Online or off, you have to speak above the din just to be heard, and that inevitably coarsens the conversation. Which brings us to the people there to protect us from the loud and stupid.
Chrome Releases: Stable Channel Update for ChromeOS / ChromeOS Flex
The Stable channel is being updated to 109.0.5414.94 (Platform version: 15236.66.0) for most ChromeOS devices and will be rolled out over the next few days.
Startup's eBPF APM tools turn up heat on Datadog | TechTarget
Lemonade plans to put tools from eBPF startup Groundcover in production this year in a bid to reduce instrumentation work and other overhead for its small DevOps team.