Debian Developers' Ramblings and Blogging
Evaluating suspend battery use with systemd - anarcat
This is a quick hack that will allow you to do some (manual) computations on power usage during suspend on your laptop, using systemd hooks.
It might be possible to use a similar hack on non-systemd systems of course, you just need something that fires a hook on suspend and resume.
bibata cursor theme is available on Debian (unstable) - ひとりしずかに。
Recently bibata cursor theme is available on Debian (unstable)
Antoine Beaupré: 20 years blogging
Many folks have woken up to the dangers of commercialization and centralisation of this very fine internet we have around here. For many of us, of course, it's one big "I told you so"...
The best years in terms of numbers are the first two years (2005 and 2006, I didn't check the numbers on earlier years), but I doubt they are the best in terms of content. Really, the best writing I have ever did was for LWN. I dare hope I have kept the quality I was encouraged (forced?) to produce, but I know I cannot come anywhere close to what the LWN editors were juicing out of me. You can also see that I immediately dropped to a more normal 27 article in 2019, once I stopped writing for LWN...
Interestingly, I wrote a lot in 2022. People sometimes ask me how I manage to write so much: I don't actually know. I don't have a lot of free time on my hand, and even less than before in the past two years, but somehow I keep feeding this blog.
Rebooting... - Matt Brown
After nearly 7 years of dormancy, I’m rebooting this website and have a goal to write regularly on a variety of topics going forward. More on that and my goals in a coming post…
For now, this is just a placeholder note to help double-check that everything on the new site is working as expected and the letters are flowing through the “pipes” in the right places.
diziet | SGO (and my) VPN and network access tools - in bookworm
Recently, we managed to get secnet and hippotat into Debian. They are on track to go into Debian bookworm. This completes in Debian the set of VPN/networking tools I (and other Greenend) folks have been using for many years.