Programming and Standards
Orhun's Blog: Zero-dependency random number generation in Rust
Let's investigate how to generate random numbers without external dependencies in Rust.
How to Print a List without Brackets in Python - TecAdmin
A Python list is an ordered and changeable collection of data objects. Unlike an array, which can contain objects of a single type, a list can contain a mixture of different types. A list in Python is used to store the sequence of various types of data. A list can be defined as a collection of values or items of different types. Python has a great built-in list type named “list”.
Perl Weekly Challenge 199: Good Pairs and Good Triplets
Some thoughts on linking to code - Federico's Blog
I have been updating the text layout roadmap for librsvg, and part of this involves describing how some of the current code works — for example, how a
element gets broken up into a tree of Chunk and Span structures. Notice how those links go to the generated documentation for the library's internals. In the HTML, rustdoc adds "source" links that in turn take you to the actual source code for that item.
Aside: Chunk has documentation, but Span doesn't; I haven't gotten around to writing it yet. Linking to the documentation for the library's internals helps me see what things are undocumented yet. Maybe a struct Point { x: f64, y: f64 } doesn't need much documetation, but something more complicated like Span definitely does!
Blender glTF I/O: Support for glTF PBR Material Extensions
There are many approaches to creating realistic-looking materials for 3D objects. However, not all of them are suitable for transmission over the Web, and many have a prohibitively steep learning curve. Physically Based Rendering (PBR) has emerged as an artist-friendly, intuitive, expressive, and robust technique for adding materials to 3D objects.
The Khronos 3D Formats Working Group has embraced this approach, and over the past few years, they have created formal glTF extensions for a variety of PBR materials. glTF’s growing set of PBR material extensions allow artists to create strikingly realistic 3D objects – suitable for cross-platform applications including browsers, mobile devices, native applications and more – that will perform consistently across a wide range of viewers and devices
Selecting HTTP version (three) |
The latest HTTP version is called HTTP/3 and is being transferred over QUIC instead of the old classic TCP+TLS duo.
Cockpit 283 - Cockpit Project
Cockpit is the modern Linux admin interface. We release regularly.
Here are the release notes from Cockpit 283 and cockpit-machines 281:
Services: Create timer to run every minute
In the Timers part of Services page, the create timer dialog can create systemd timers to run in “minutely” mode, which runs a command every minute on the specified second.
My Desktop - January 2023 | Hund
In my last post, I was trying out Debian. I had some idea that I wanted to try out something dead simple. I think that idea lasted for about a month, before I went back to Gentoo again.