Open Hardware: Purism, Raspberry Pi, RISC-V, Arduino
Spreading Awareness about Purism in 2022 - Purism
Is it enough to produce “goods”? What about “being good” especially when we promote ourselves to others? President of Purism, Kyle Rankin shared the internal discussions we were having as we looked to expand our marketing efforts beyond what we’d done in the past, in the blog post, “Is Ethical Advertising Possible?”. We received wonderful response from our audiences, and crystallized all the thoughts through our Ethical Marketing Principles. To us, this means staying true to our Digital Bill of Rights, and our social purpose to respect our users.
Joe Grand Creates the World's Thinnest Boombox
Joe used a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W to drive it, a DAC, NeoPixel LEDs (from Adafruit) for a VU meter, capacitive touch sensing buttons for the controls, and flat PiezoListen speakers from TDK.
Introducing the new MKR IoT Carrier Rev2: Time to start your next IoT project | Arduino Blog
If you’re looking for an ever faster, smoother, and more rewarding way to build your own IoT projects at home, the new MKR IoT Carrier Rev2 could be perfect for you.
The new carrier can work with any board from the MKR family, giving you a wide choice of connectivity options to match the needs of your next IoT project. With the MKR IoT Carrier Rev2 you don’t need any additional components to get started, and you can build impressive and complete hassle free projects this way.
A chip design that changes everything: 10 Breakthrough Technologies 2023 | MIT Technology Review
About 3,100 members worldwide, including companies and academic institutions, are now collaborating via the nonprofit RISC-V International to establish and develop these norms. In February 2022, Intel announced a $1 billion fund that will, in part, support companies building RISC-V chips.
RISC-V chips have already begun to pop up in earbuds, hard drives, and AI processors, with 10 billion cores already shipped. Companies are also working on RISC-V designs for data centers and spacecraft. In a few years, RISC-V proponents predict, the chips will be everywhere.
Key Technologies for 2023: RISC-V on the Rise
“Aside from cost and customizability, RISC-V (pronounced “risk-five”) benefits from being a modern, elegantly designed architecture without the baggage of legacy code,” says Eric Brown. “Along with the open development environment, the modern design appeals to developers, who are increasingly crucial to success.”
Sensor glove for sign language translation -
As the title suggests, this device is a sensor-based wearable that converts simple hand gestures to text and speech. I decided to make this a project in university.