today's howtos
How to deploy the Netdata network and server monitor on Linux
Every IT pro knows that data is key to keeping things running smoothly. To that end, you need tools that can monitor usages such as CPU, RAM, load, Swap, bandwidth, disks and more. You might think getting a tool like that up and running would be a bit of a challenge. However, if Ubuntu Server is your platform of choice, adding this powerful web-based monitor is incredibly easy.
How to rename a table in MySQL / MariaDB
In this post, you will learn how to rename a table in MySQL / MariaDB, The procedure is simple and can save you some headache.
In some situations, you may want to rename a certain table in MySQL / MariaDB. This process although simple is important to know if you work daily with this powerful database manager.
Let’s go.
Using the ss command on Linux to view details on sockets | Network World
The ss command on Linux systems can provide extensive details on the sockets that provide communications between systems.