Open Hardware/Modding: Arducam Mega, Open Secure Element Chip, ESP32, Raspberry Pi, and More
$16.00 Arducam Mega supports SPI interface
The Arducam Mega is a low-power camera compatible with any microcontroller that supports SPI protocol. This embedded camera is offered in 3MP/5MP variants and it supports a fully open-source SDK for software development.
ArduCam Mega - A 3MP or 5MP SPI camera for microcontrollers (Crowdfunding) - CNX Software
ArduCam Mega is a 3MP or 5MP camera specifically designed for microcontrollers with an SPI interface, and the SDK currently supports Arduino UNO and Mega2560 boards, ESP32/ESP8266 boards, Raspberry Pi Pico and other boards based on RP2040 MCU, BBC Micro:bit V2, as well as STM32 and MSP430 platform.
Towards a More Open Secure Element Chip #OpenSource
“Secure Element” (SE) chips have traditionally taken a very closed-source, NDA-heavy approach. Bunnie Huang writes: [...]
Measuring Shipping Impact Forces
Have you ever received a package in the mail that looks like it might have fallen off the truck? Then probably ran over by that same truck a couple of times? Well I wanted to know just how handled packages get when traveling to their destinations.
Protecting Firmware with Teensy
How to Scan I2C Address in ESP32 Using Arduino IDE
ESP32 is a microcontroller-based platform that can interface with several devices to control different outputs according to the input. All communication protocols like UART, SPI and I2C play a significant role in ESP32 communication. We will be discussing Inter Integrated Circuit or I2C communication protocol in this guide and how to scan an address of a device.
How to Transfer Data Through Bluetooth on Raspberry Pi
Transferring data to Raspberry Pi may look difficult for someone who doesn’t want to bother transferring it using the options like USB, email, or FTP server. Though these options are mostly utilized for data sharing from any device to Raspberry Pi, but if someone is interested in using the Bluetooth service for data transfer, he/she can follow this article for a detailed guideline. In this guide, we are going to discuss how to easily transfer data through Bluetooth on Raspberry Pi.
How to Overclock the GPU - CPU of Raspberry Pi.
If you are using the Raspberry Pi for gaming purposes or for some other purpose that requires fast speed and better graphics quality then you can overclock your Raspberry Pi CPU for better performance and fast speed, and you can also overclock the GPU to obtain better graphics quality. In this tutorial steps to overclock the GPU and CPU of Raspberry Pi are discussed.