Free Software: Mastodon/Fediverse, Handbrake, and WordPress
Create your own Mastodon UX
I’ve been discussing Mastodon UX wishlists with some new acquaintances there. This excerpt from A Bloomberg terminal for Mastodon concludes with part of my own wishlist.
User Generated Content and the Fediverse: A Legal Primer
The fediverse isn’t a single, gigantic social media platform like Facebook or Youtube. It’s an expanding ecosystem of interconnected sites and services that let people interact with each other no matter which one of these sites and services they have an account with. That means people can tailor and better control their own experience of social media and be less reliant on a monoculture developed by a handful of tech giants.
For people hosting instances, however, it can also mean some legal risk. Fortunately, there are some relatively easy ways to mitigate that risk – if you plan ahead. To help people do that, this guide offers an introduction to some common legal issues, along with a few practical considerations.
Two important notes: (1) This guide is focused on legal risks that flow from hosting other people’s content, under U.S. law. In general, the safe harbors and immunities discussed below will not protect you if you are directly infringing copyright or defaming someone. (2) Many of us at EFF are lawyers, but we are not YOUR lawyers. This guide is intended to offer a high-level overview of U.S. law and should not be taken as legal advice specific to your particular situation.
The Architecture of Mastodon
I was curious about how Mastodon is actually implemented. A high-level overview: [...]
Limiting Handbrake threads to prevent throttling on M2 Macbook Air
So to limit Handbrake a bit—which would slow rendering to 5-10 fps but also not cook my lap—I added threads=2 to the 'Additional Options' field in Handbrake's Video settings: [...]
The Month in WordPress - November 2022 - WordPress News
WordPress enthusiasts tuned in last week for the State of the Word address to celebrate the project’s yearly accomplishments and explore what 2023 holds. But that’s not the only exciting update from the past month. New proposals and ideas are already emerging with an eye on the year ahead—let’s dive into them!