Review: Favourite distributions of 2022
Over the span of a year I end up reviewing about 50 Linux distributions here, on DistroWatch, and often try various others to get a feel for what is happening in the open source ecosystem. As I browse the open source community for new gems I make note of projects which are particularly good at delivering a great experience. A year ago I shared my top picks of 2021 and this year I'd like to repeat the experience, sharing my favourite distributions and the projects which I feel are the most polished of all the operating systems I reviewed in 2022.
Last year my cup overflowed with promising, powerful, and solid experiences. I identified seven distributions which performed very well and which I'd recommend for either beginners or, in some cases, more experienced users looking for a smooth experience. Plus, I talked about a cool meta-distribution: Bedrock Linux which, while not a Linux distribution in the usual sense, I found quite useful.